Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Continent is not short of Heroes!

Dr Sheik Umar Khan
Dr. Sheik Umar Khan (1975-2014) - Photo by BBC

Doctor Sheik Umar Khan (1975-2014) is to Sierra Leone what Doctor Matthew Lukwiya (1957- 2000) is to Uganda

Dr. Matthew Lukwiya (1957-2000) Photo by Wikipedia
"It is our vocation to save life. It involves risk, but when we serve with love, that is when the risk does not matter so much. When we believe our mission is to save lives, we have got to do our work." Dr. Matthew Lukwiya

Dr. Lukwiya and Dr. Khan died while serving their people-treating patients of the EBOLA disease
This is indeed the spirit of "for my people and my country"- let political leaders in Africa take these two men as models and keep the social contract dear in their hearts as they serve their fellow citizens just like these two scientists.